Abernethy, Aberargie and Dron News


“Wake up mum! What is all that noise outside, things are flying about?” I asked jumping on her with my paws. “It’s alright Bonnie” I am told, “it is a terrible wind but we are o.k.” “Will the geese be alright mum?” I tried to say to her. Hurriedly, after feeding the cats, my mum got the feed ready for the geese and wee birds and out we went to face this terrible noise - the wind. It was very funny to see the geese opening their wings and flying with the wind in their feathers, which they seemed to enjoy. Soon it was time for my walk. Each day where we go there is a field of sheep. My mum just tells me what they are and to walk on, so I accept it as part of my walk. We had just started our walk and as we walked along the roadside there was a terrible crack, I turned round just in time to see a great big branch of the tree falling near where we had been walking. No wonder I was frightened. All the cars seemed to make a different noise with this howling wind.. “It is alright Bonnie just walk on as usual” my mum said ( I am always on the lead) going along the road. This did not stop me thinking it was dangerous this morning. We crossed the road and went on our usual walk , I got off my lead and had a good sniff around. Rabbits, mice and other wee things I could smell. Mum says I am like a pointer sometimes, the way I stand. We got up to the field near the sheep and I turned round when I heard a thump and saw my mum lying on the ground. She had slipped on some mud. I immediately ran back and stood over her, not even noticing the sheep running up the field frightened by my mum falling. All I could think was, “Is my mum o.k.?” “I am alright Bonnie, I'll manage to get up, what a clever wee girl you are” I was told. Soon we were back on track, I must say we were not walking so fast for a few days after that though. My mum praised me for looking after her on the ground.

Going back home after each walk I get a ball game. This day was different as the ball just kept blowing away; I must say it was fun chasing it. Leaves , sticks and lots of other items were flying about and I enjoyed chasing them. I curled up in bed that night and even though the wind was still blowing I knew we were all safe, and wondered what would happen tomorrow. “Goodnight Bonnie, sleep tight” and I got a wee pat on the head which gave me security.