Tuesday 4th June was a lovely morning compared to what we thought it would be, and we all came prepared for the weather to break. Leaving Abernethy promptly, picking up three of us at Aberargie, we were on our way for a relaxing day. It was a lovely tour; being told by the driver about places of interest and Scotland at its best as usual.

Stopping for a refreshing coffee break and chat at The Red House Hotel, Coupar Angus and the weather was still good. Back on the bus and away to Dundee and the V&A. Not knowing what to expect when entering the huge building, I was astonished at the vast size inside. Brian Cox was to be giving a documentary that night so the red carpet was out and the long bar was filled with champagne and glasses. (not for us though).

After seeing around and wondering what we were going to do for the allocated time we had, it just seemed a large empty space. At one wall we saw people entering a darkened room, so of course we went to investigate. Inside was fascinating, with new and old, from furniture to modern items, and lots of history. Before we knew it, time had flown past and we had to leave for the bus.

Lots to talk about on the bus, on to the Mustard Seed at Perth, where they were waiting to serve us with all our favourite food which we had previously ordered. We were not disappointed. My fish and chips were delicious, and I even got lemon meringue pie. What a super end to a relaxing day.

Thanks to all the committee for arranging such a lovely day out.   

Lillias Johnston